
The definition of 'perspective' as generated by Google.

The definition of ‘perspective’ as generated by Google.

Perspective as defined above can either be regarded as the art of representing three dimensional objects on a two dimensional surface or the particular attitude towards a point of view. From today’s workshop I have gathered that Exploring Media Arts will take into account the two seemingly different definitions.

The images that we see are subject to perception in the way that they are structured by someone else and by the way that our minds structure them. Distorted and abstract images become structured to represent something to us depending on what our perspective of them is. Our eyes adapt to see (to structure) vertical and horizontal lines. For example, when representing roads and train tracks or other similar images where the front is facing the viewer directly, this is a concept of one-point perspective, wherein there is one vanishing point on the horizontal line.

One-point perspective

One-point perspective.

When representing street corners, on the other hand, this is the concept of two-point perspective, wherein there are two vanishing points on a horizontal line.

Two-point perspective.

Two-point perspective.

Lastly, when representing buildings, this is the concept of three-point perspective, wherein there are two vanishing points on a horizontal line and a third on a vertical line.

Three-point perspective.

Three-point perspective.

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